
Salufilms is driven by innovative storytelling. We see a space in the industry for critical, exploratory work that can live with and beyond the cinema space. We aim to both celebrate and challenge the grammar of film, prioritising poetic exploration and innovation.

We also work to commission with brands and organisations keen to collaborate on original videos and films.

Film production is in partnership with House of Thought and friends.

‘As a director and artist, my interest lies in bringing to light stories of cultures, social realities and concepts often missing from official history books and records. As a progressive creative, I steep myself in the scholarship and history of filmmaking, with great respect for its many epochs and theories, which provides me with a solid foundation to question what film can be today and tomorrow as we find ways to exist and thrive across physical and digital realities. With years of experience creating narrative in the form of fiction and poetry, I am now applying this distinctive storytelling to developing a full-length narrative feature.’

Director, writer and artist, Michael Salu.

photo © Camille Blake

Michael Salu is a British-born Nigerian writer, artist, filmmaker, editor and creative strategist with an interdisciplinary practice, working creatively and critically with new technologies. As a creative strategist and creative director, with strongly literary and scholarly underpinnings, Ihe has developed ideas and designs for many cultural organisations and institutions, winning awards along the way. His written work has appeared in literary journals, magazines, art and academic publications, and as an artist, he has exhibited internationally. Salu has conducted extensive research into technology's impact on culture, including numerous essays and talks with organisations like 5x15. He runs House of Thought, an artistic research practice and consultancy focusing on bridging creative, critical thinking and technology and is part of Planetary Portals, a research collective with Kathryn Yusoff, Kerry Holden and Casper Laing Ebbensgaard.

His book, Red Earth, was published by Calamari Archive in October 2023.